Healing with Cannabis – Shatter the Stigma for Mental Health Patients

I have discussed medicinal cannabis and I have discussed mental health. I have spoken about the stigma around both, but not the stigma around mental health patients compared to all other patients when medicinal cannabis specifically, is involved. Being a patient has its own difficulties, and I’m not stating anyone has it ‘easier’ than anyone …

Breaking the Silence: Mental Health and Medicinal Cannabis in Turkey

Medicinal Cannabis is illegal in Turkey, and I don’t think I will ever see the legalisation of it. In this blog I will discuss the stigma around mental health in Turkey as well as the stigma and law around cannabis there. Mental Health in Turkey Being mentally ill in Turkey was very difficult for me …

Medicinal Cannabis and the Emotional Complexity of Healing

I recently touched on how painful the healing process can be; but now I also want to delve into the even lesser-seen patients and voice a small number of struggles that they may be additionally facing, a minority within the system, Medicinal Cannabis Patients. Two Taboos – Healing and Cannabis The difficulties in healing have …

Cannabis and Sexual Health: Breaking the Stigma

Cannabis and sexual health are both topics that are very much taboo in the society, despite how ‘open’ we think we may be, as soon as it passes the ‘joke’ level and turns into a serious conversation, many seem to shy away from delving deeper into the topics.Cannabis and the ECS should be provided as …

Re-evaluating Our Social Drugs: Alcohol Privilege and Cannabis Prejudice

On a Friday evening, 90% of my social media is filled with photos of very full glasses of wine with captions such as ‘finally’ ‘Friyay!’ and I know for a fact, because I’ve been in these situations uncountable times, that that glass of wine has been spoken about at least a dozen times that day. …

CBMP’s vs Traditional Medication

In 20 years, I’ve tried roughly the same amount of medications in an attempt to stabilise my conditions. While traditional pharmaceuticals have provided mixed results, medicinal cannabis has shown promise in addressing symptoms that other treatments failed to alleviate. In this post, I will share my journey and the pros and cons of both approaches. …

Debunking the 3 most common UK Medicinal Cannabis Myths

Just like in the mental health blogs I have recently shared, there are many patients who are unable to access the care they deserve due to stigma around their conditions or treatment methods. I will be debunking what I believe to be some of the most common myths around Medicinal Cannabis. There are uncountable myths …

Can Cannabis Heal Trauma? – Understanding the Endocannabinoid System’s role in PTSD

In my previous blog, I covered the basics of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and highlighted its crucial role in regulating stress, mood, and emotional responses. Now, I want to dive deeper into a more specific topic: how trauma affects the ECS. The Link Between PTSD and the ECS Around a decade ago, research from NYU …

Understanding CBMPs: A Novice’s Guide to the Endocannabinoid System and Medicinal Cannabis

What are CBMPs and Why I Advocate for Their Use in Certain Circumstances In this blog, I will share some basic information about Cannabis-Based Medicinal Products (CBMPs) and why I support their use in specific cases. CBMPs are medicines derived from cannabis and have been legal in the UK since late 2018. These products target …

Profession and Patient: My Journey with Medicinal Cannabis So Far

I find that starting with “my journey” always helps me get into the flow of writing. I hope it resonates with people and, in some way, offers comfort or guidance. I had an uncle, someone I loved dearly, who we often joked had nine lives. He had overcome so much in his younger years, but …