Healing with Cannabis – Shatter the Stigma for Mental Health Patients

I have discussed medicinal cannabis and I have discussed mental health. I have spoken about the stigma around both, but not the stigma around mental health patients compared to all other patients when medicinal cannabis specifically, is involved. Being a patient has its own difficulties, and I’m not stating anyone has it ‘easier’ than anyone …

Medicinal Cannabis and the Emotional Complexity of Healing

I recently touched on how painful the healing process can be; but now I also want to delve into the even lesser-seen patients and voice a small number of struggles that they may be additionally facing, a minority within the system, Medicinal Cannabis Patients. Two Taboos – Healing and Cannabis The difficulties in healing have …

Re-evaluating Our Social Drugs: Alcohol Privilege and Cannabis Prejudice

On a Friday evening, 90% of my social media is filled with photos of very full glasses of wine with captions such as ‘finally’ ‘Friyay!’ and I know for a fact, because I’ve been in these situations uncountable times, that that glass of wine has been spoken about at least a dozen times that day. …

CBMP’s vs Traditional Medication

In 20 years, I’ve tried roughly the same amount of medications in an attempt to stabilise my conditions. While traditional pharmaceuticals have provided mixed results, medicinal cannabis has shown promise in addressing symptoms that other treatments failed to alleviate. In this post, I will share my journey and the pros and cons of both approaches. …

Cannabis and the ACE Study: Can Cannabinoids Mitigate the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Trauma?

Since delving deeper into mental health I have learnt more about the ECS (Endocannabinoid System), trauma and adversity and the ACE study, so why not combine these into one blog and discuss my anecdotes also? We know that the ECS is a cell-signalling system that regulates many aspects of the body from sleep to appetite, …

Kenevir Travma İyileştirebilir mi? – Endokannabinoid Sisteminin TSSB'deki Rolünü Anlamak

Önceki blogumda, Endokannabinoid Sisteminin (ECS) temellerini ele almış ve stres, ruh hali ve duygusal tepkileri düzenlemedeki kritik rolünü vurgulamıştım. Şimdi, daha spesifik bir konuya dalmak istiyorum: travmanın ECS'yi nasıl etkilediği. TSSB ve ECS Arasındaki Bağlantı Yaklaşık on yıl önce, NYU'dan yapılan bir araştırma...

CBMP'leri Anlamak: Endokannabinoid Sistemi ve Tıbbi Kenevir İçin Bir Acemi Rehberi

CBMP'ler Nedir ve Neden Belirli Durumlarda Kullanımlarını Savunuyorum? Bu blogda, Kenevir Tabanlı Tıbbi Ürünler (CBMP'ler) hakkında bazı temel bilgiler paylaşacağım ve belirli durumlarda kullanımını neden desteklediğimi açıklayacağım. CBMP'ler kenevirden elde edilen ilaçlardır ve 2018 sonlarından beri İngiltere'de yasal hale gelmiştir. Bu ürünler...