Re-evaluating Our Social Drugs: Alcohol Privilege and Cannabis Prejudice

On a Friday evening, 90% of my social media is filled with photos of very full glasses of wine with captions such as ‘finally’ ‘Friyay!’ and I know for a fact, because I’ve been in these situations uncountable times, that that glass of wine has been spoken about at least a dozen times that day. To celebrate, to relieve stress, to drown sorrows, to kill time, the answer always seems to be alcohol and it’s such a societal norm, it’s as if almost 5% of all deaths annually, aren’t caused by alcohol-related illnesses. (WHO)
I enjoy a cold pint or two just as much as the next person, but since becoming involved in the Medicinal Cannabis sector, the double-standards in regards to alcohol and cannabis has started to personally, ‘grind my gears’ more and more.

Cannabis vs Alcohol – The Statistics

Over 2.6 million deaths occur globally, each year due to alcohol and alcohol related issues from accidents to fights, liver disease, cancers and cardiovascular issues just to name a few and it is also a substance that is classed as ‘highly toxic’ meaning that taking 10 times the usual amount, could prove fatal. When you consider this to be 1 beer to 10 beers, it may seem like a drastic difference; but for someone used to 2 beers a day, 3 beers, a cider and 3 cocktails could prove fatal. Doesn’t sound all so unrealistic anymore, does it?
With cannabis, there is no known fatal overdose limit and research shows cannabis’ mortality rate to be 114 times lower than with alcohol, nor are there consistent studies strongly linking the use of cannabis to any form of cancer. On the contrary, there are studies showing signs that cannabis use may even prove to be a protective factor when given its anti-inflammatory properties.

The Double Standards

I have taken bottles of wine into my son’s nursery as a gift, I have engaged in light chit-chat about having a drink, I have even drank with professionals involved in my son’s care and despite that being purely for pleasure and having so many risks associated with it, nobody would bat an eyelid, yet I am yet to feel comfortable enough to state that ‘I need a vape’ of my medication without feeling judged. My medication!! If Medicinal Cannabis had been called something other than Cannabis, given a difficult-to-pronounce Latin name too long to learn, (Yes, I know Cannabis is Cannabis in Latin) then would we still have this stigma, or is it because of the societal perception of cannabis users?
Just how we see someone who drinks champagne on a Thursday afternoon as ‘elite’ do we see someone who consumes cannabis on a Saturday afternoon as ‘less than’?

Alcohol vs Cannabis – Let’s Get Real

Hangovers… Need I say more? Anyone who has consumed ‘too much’ alcohol has suffered a hangover, with no medicinal benefits throughout any of the process, possibly injuring themselves whilst intoxicated, injuring someone else, or purely causing unwanted memories, placing themselves in more dangerous situations than they would do when sober; whereas cannabis use can can cause some ‘intoxication’ there are findings to show that cannabis related crimes are a lot lower than alcohol related crimes. The crimes themselves are seen to be a lot less violent and less widespread in comparison to alcohol related crimes, with the majority of cannabis related crimes being for possession and alcohol related crimes being more violent offences- seeing over ten thousand deaths annually (in the US) for drink driving alone and almost half of murders involving alcohol use. (NCDAS)

As for the benefits, every proposed ‘slight benefit’ of alcohol consumption can easily be challenged with the potential risks associated with even the lightest of alcohol use. Whereas cannabis can increase sleep quality, it can be anti-inflammatory, targeting all different types of pain from gynaecological to rheumatoid, migraines to chronic injury struggles, it can be anti-convulsant, helping those suffering with side effects of cancer treatment, it can help mental health conditions ranging from eating disorders to PPD, anxiety and Borderline Personality Disorder. Heck- the UK’s first prescription was for a wonderful child, Billy Caldwell, who has a rare form of epilepsy. This so called ‘terrible drug’ was legalised in the UK because of the life changing impact it had on a young boy, suffering day and night from seizures to living day to day without the worry of when the next one will happen, advocating for the rights of cannabis patients. I would advise everybody to read Billy and his mum Charlotte’s story to see just why those in the Medicinal Cannabis Industry are so dedicated to the cause.



The Law

Cannabis is still a Class B drug in the UK and is illegal for recreational use. Possession can result in up to five years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both, while supplying or producing it can lead to up to 14 years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both. (GOV)

Medicinal Cannabis can be sought from private UK Medicinal Cannabis Clinics, again, all through Billy’s journey, leading to the legalisation in late 2018, although as previously mentioned, there are eligibility criteria that needs to be passed, not all conditions can be treated with medicinal cannabis and it can become costly. There is no minimum age; however clinics that cater to under 18’s are hard to be found. (NHS numbers for CBMP prescriptions are in the low hundreds but must also be taken into account)

Alcohol on the other-hand… Although most of us are very familiar with it, I don’t think you would believe it if I told you children aged 5 and above are legally allowed to drink on private premises, under parental supervision? Seriously, check it out…
Although healthcare professionals strongly advise against it, it’s not illegal, nor is it unseen, with pre-teens drinking socially now becoming a societal norm in certain areas.

Despite working in the sector, being a patient and advocate, I do find it difficult at times to fight against the bias of cannabis in fear of prejudice; although I am aware it is my space to educate rather than fear the lack of information.

There is a lovely saying in Turkish, ‘Not knowing isn’t shameful, not learning is’ and that’s why I am making an oath to myself to use my voice where there is the silence of the unknown.

My personal belief is, both can be ‘enjoyed’ and there is no shame in either of them. One is significantly more harmful than the next option, but like I said, I enjoy alcohol, believe it should be taken in moderation, but I enjoy it. I also enjoy the relief that my CBMP’s provide me, and look forward to the happiness that I will gain from it. Mentally, on a healthy level, this is safe for me. I am aware of dependency and know the warning signs. I am currently off CBMP’s whilst trialling new pharmaceutical medications and although I have spent many moments wishing I had my ‘go to’ medication, I am have now gone a couple of months without my medication. Physically, medicinal cannabis is safer for me in almost every way possible…

If you need any help with alcohol related issues, please visit the NHS website or Alcohol Change UK.